Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kindergarten: Yertle the Turtle

Kindergarten read Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Seuss, one of my favorite children's authors. Today, we based our pictures off of the images we saw in the book; which means lots and lots of turtles. But where do we start?

Well, there is nothing I like better than taking 'trash' and recycling it into something new. My scrap bin for old paintings and drawing was over-flowing with rejected masterpieces. These forgotten works are perfect for turtle shells and teaches the kids to look beyond what is there and change their thinking to what something can become.

Kindergarten: Tulip Day

The first day of Spring was the weekend before this lesson, so in celebration of the changing of seasons I taught my little ones their first origami lesson. In my classroom, I have a couple of kiddos that have additional needs and for them long directions can get confusing.
 To assist them with origami I created a 3D step-by-step chart showing them what comes next. Seeing, touching, and comparing helped them out immensely. They got to do most of it on their own without a teacher hovering over their shoulders. Even a few of the kids became confident enough to help out their table-neighbors when a step was forgotten. Yeah teamwork!

One of my student's schedule card.
 Images are attached with Velcro so events can be removed or/and replaced with others. Shout-out to our guidance-consular for putting this one together. It's been so helpful!

Kindergarten: Fish Swish

Fish Swish was created on a day that I needed a sub, so super easy LP. Students drew a line that overlapped 7 times and within these loops silly fish where found! I absolutely love all the extras they came up with for their backgrounds.
What a cute Sebastian crab on the left!
And it looks like that fish on the right loves to blow bubbles.

The artist on the left added a treasure chest. I wonder what is inside?
The fish family on the right are so colorful!